Sunday, September 25, 2016

兩個環 Two little rings

迎接滴滴答答的雨後 是暖暖的陽光🔆
這首歌的歌詞好美🎶 忍不住與你們分享

🎀Share the song “Two little rings” to my friends and those who got engaged/married🎀

💍兩個環(Two little rings)💍

小小兩個環 圈住我和你
就從今天起 主裡相合一
小小兩個環 圈住我和你
就在基督裡 讓主愛顯明
愛情不是口裡的甜蜜 愛情不求自己的歡喜
愛是接納全部的你 愛是忘記受傷的回憶

Little two rings bind you and me
From today on, we unite in the Lord
Little two rings, bind you and me
In Christ, we testify God's love

Love is not only sweet words
Love is not seeking your own joy
Love is the acceptance of all of you
Love is to forgive the hurting memories

#茵茵愛分享 #愛自己愛家人愛身邊的人 #天韻

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Move forward imperfectly

"I would rather move forward imperfectly than go back to the past in search of Utopia"


Do you feel tired working in the day time and having part-time job in the evening? My friend, Olivia, asked. I feel tired sometimes😴. However,  I reap what I sow. After arranging my schedule, I get more work done in less time!😎😎

#保持單純乾淨的心 #遇見更好的自己 #朝偽文青路線邁進
#KeepMyHeartPure #DiscoverTheBestYou #LearnToBeFakeHipster