Friday, December 2, 2016

陪伴 Company

你總是靜靜不說話 眼睛瞇瞇一條線
圓圓的頭頂與雙手 碰不到地板的雙腳
如果能不加奶精 就更幸福了😂😂😂

「陪伴,就是不管你需不需要,我一直都在。」-- 哈利波特與混血王子的背叛(2009)

I believe that we have a lot to say, and we communicate with each other through the temperature of Royal milk tea. Thank you for your company.

“I am always here for you, whether you need me or not.” -- Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince, 2009

#茵茵愛分享 #CamaCafe

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